Westmoreland, Jamaica Weather
Current: 27.35°C/81.23°F, Wind SW at 3.71 km/h, 89% Humidity, 70% Chance of rain
- Westmoreland, Jamaica Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Westmoreland over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Westmoreland in the coming days
- Rainfall in Westmoreland in the coming days
- Westmoreland Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Westmoreland's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Light Rain
Pressure: 1,011 hPa
Sea level: 1,011 hPa
Temperature: 31.62°C
Cloud: 59%
Humidity: 89%
Wind: ESE 2.92 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 29.73°C
- Average low 29.27°C
- Hottest day (28 September 2024) 30.2°C
- Coldest day (05 October 2024) 28.3°C
- Average humidity 75.6%
- Days with precipitation 16 days
- Highest precipitation 6.44 mm (12 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 33°C
- Min: 24°C
- Total Precipitation: 2.2 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Westmoreland over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Westmoreland in the coming days
Rainfall in Westmoreland in the coming days
Westmoreland Climate Summary
Westmoreland features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna (Köppen classification: Aw), with an average annual temperature of 27.74ºC (81.93ºF), which is about 0.91% higher than the national average for Jamaica. Annually, the city experiences approximately 156.13 millimeters (6.15 inches) of rainfall, spread across 241.99 rainy days, accounting for 66.3% of the year.
Longitude | 18.2944378 |
Latitude | -78.1564432 |
Yearly high temperature | 28.54ºC (83.37ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 26.57ºC (79.83ºF) |
Hottest month | May 28.69ºC (83.64ºF) |
Coldest month | January 25.09ºC (77.16ºF) |
Yearly precip | 156.13mm (6.15in) |
Days with rainfall | 241.99 days (66.3%) |
Driest month | March (73.29%) |
Wettest month | October (74.4%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 27.21° / 25.09° | 15.0 days |
February | 27.22° / 25.08° | 13.45 days |
March | 27.22° / 25.09° | 13.45 days |
April | 28.01° / 25.96° | 18.64 days |
May | 28.69° / 26.78° | 24.45 days |
June | 29.27° / 27.35° | 21.91 days |
July | 29.56° / 27.63° | 24.82 days |
August | 29.84° / 27.96° | 25.27 days |
September | 29.89° / 27.95° | 24.18 days |
October | 29.37° / 27.64° | 25.64 days |
November | 28.46° / 26.56° | 20.09 days |
December | 27.76° / 25.8° | 15.09 days |
Westmoreland's weather
- Alma
- Ashton
- Beeston Spring
- Blue Hole
- Caledonia
- Chilton
- Cottage
- Dunkeld
- Fornbrook
- Glasgow
- Grandvale
- Hermitage
- Kepham
- Lambs River
- Lodge Bush
- Masemure
- Mount Eagle
- Mount Terza
- New Works
- Old Rotherwood
- Prospect
- Retrieve
- Robins River
- Sheffield
- Tug Hill
- Williams Moreland
- York
- Nonpareil
- Old Hope
- Petersville
- Porters Mountain
- Rat Trap
- Retirement
- Retreat
- Revival
- River Head
- Roaring River
- Savanna La Mar
- Seaford Town
- Struie
- Torrington
- Town Head
- Wakefield
- Westlands
- Whitehall
- Amity Cross
- Anglesea
- Auchindown
- Banbury
- Barneyside
- Big Bridge
- Black Heath
- Bog
- Bronte
- Cairn
- Camp Savanna
- Carawina
- Cave
- Clifton
- Congress Hall
- Content
- Cornwall
- Crosbie
- Culloden
- Endeavor
- Fontabelle
- Fort William
- Friendship
- Fullerfield Chapel
- Glen Islay
- Goldsons Corner
- Good Hope
- Grange
- Grange Hill
- Greenwich
- Jones Pen
- Kan Pan
- Kings Pen
- Kings Valley
- Kingswood
- Leamington
- Lenox
- Little Bay
- Long Pond Pen
- Mackfield
- Mesopotamia
- Meylersfield
- Mount Airy
- Mount Grace
- Mount Stewart
- Negril Spots
- New Broughton
- New Road
- Newmarket
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Westmoreland?
May has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 28.69ºC) and January are the coolest (daily mean of 25.09ºC).
2. What should I wear in Westmoreland today?
For today's very hot weather in Westmoreland, with the high temperatures above 33ºC (91.4ºF), consider wearing:
- Light, natural fabrics (like cotton or linen)
- Broad-brimmed sun hat
- Lightweight, loose-fitting shorts
- UV-blocking sunglasses
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 273.71
- NH3 0.24
- NO 0.12
- NO2 1.59
- O3 108.72
- PM10 9.23
- PM25 8.43
- SO2 6.26