14 Days in Brief
- Lowest 24°C (Oct. 12)
- Precipitation 105.56mm
- Highest 34°C (Oct. 11)
- Humidity 68% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Oct. 11)
- Sunshine hours 12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Clarendon For The Next 14 Days
Fri 11/10
25° / 34°
Moderate Rain
3.97 km/h
25° / 34°
- Day/Night: 33°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/29°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:01 PM/05:49 AM
- Wind: 3.97 km/h
- Humidity: 54%
Sat 12/10
24° / 33°
Light Rain
5.06 km/h
24° / 33°
- Day/Night: 32°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/28°
- Pressure: 1014 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:01 PM/05:48 AM
- Wind: 5.06 km/h
- Humidity: 58%
Sun 13/10
24° / 33°
Light Rain
5.85 km/h
24° / 33°
- Day/Night: 32°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/30°
- Pressure: 1015 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:01 PM/05:47 AM
- Wind: 5.85 km/h
- Humidity: 59%
Mon 14/10
24° / 33°
Light Rain
4.81 km/h
24° / 33°
- Day/Night: 31°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/30°
- Pressure: 1016 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:02 PM/05:47 AM
- Wind: 4.81 km/h
- Humidity: 58%
Tue 15/10
24° / 32°
Light Rain
5.04 km/h
24° / 32°
- Day/Night: 31°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/29°
- Pressure: 1014 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:02 PM/05:46 AM
- Wind: 5.04 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Wed 16/10
24° / 30°
Moderate Rain
4.9 km/h
24° / 30°
- Day/Night: 27°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/28°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:02 PM/05:45 AM
- Wind: 4.9 km/h
- Humidity: 80%
Thu 17/10
24° / 28°
Moderate Rain
5.68 km/h
24° / 28°
- Day/Night: 27°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:02 PM/05:45 AM
- Wind: 5.68 km/h
- Humidity: 87%
Fri 18/10
24° / 29°
Moderate Rain
5.07 km/h
24° / 29°
- Day/Night: 28°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/27°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:03 PM/05:44 AM
- Wind: 5.07 km/h
- Humidity: 81%
Sat 19/10
24° / 30°
Light Rain
3.9 km/h
24° / 30°
- Day/Night: 29°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/29°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:03 PM/05:43 AM
- Wind: 3.9 km/h
- Humidity: 80%
Sun 20/10
24° / 31°
Light Rain
3.09 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 30°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/30°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:03 PM/05:43 AM
- Wind: 3.09 km/h
- Humidity: 68%
Mon 21/10
24° / 31°
Moderate Rain
3.02 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 30°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/28°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:04 PM/05:42 AM
- Wind: 3.02 km/h
- Humidity: 67%
Tue 22/10
24° / 32°
Light Rain
3.32 km/h
24° / 32°
- Day/Night: 30°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/28°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:04 PM/05:41 AM
- Wind: 3.32 km/h
- Humidity: 64%
Wed 23/10
24° / 31°
Moderate Rain
1.92 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 30°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/27°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:04 PM/05:41 AM
- Wind: 1.92 km/h
- Humidity: 63%
Thu 24/10
24° / 31°
Light Rain
2.88 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 29°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/28°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:05 PM/05:40 AM
- Wind: 2.88 km/h
- Humidity: 71%
14-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
14-Day Rainfall Forecast for Clarendon
Clarendon's weather
- Bachams Cottage
- Beckford Kraal
- Bog
- Bowens Hall
- British
- Bryans Hill
- Knights
- Logie Green
- Maimsey Valley
- Milk River Bath
- Moravia
- Mount Providence
- Old House
- Peckham
- Pusey Hall
- Retreat
- Russell Pen
- Shickles Pen
- Spaldings
- Teak Pen
- Treadlight
- Alston
- Amity Hall
- Arthurs Seat
- Ashleys
- Baillieston
- Baldwins Cottage
- Banks
- Beckfords
- Belle Plain
- Belmont
- Bog Plain
- Boldness
- Borobridge
- Bowen Crawle
- Brandon Hill
- Brazilletos
- Breadnut Bottom
- Brixton Hill
- Brokenbank
- Bryans Pen
- Chandlers Pen
- Kemps Hill
- Kupuis
- Lance Wood Valley
- Lime Hall
- Lowes Pen
- Lucky Valley
- Mahoe Garden
- Manningfield Pen
- Mason River
- May Pen
- Minho
- Mitchell Town
- Moores
- Morgans
- Mount Lebanus
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Zion
- Oakes Pen
- Old Yarmouth
- Paradise
- Parnassus
- Pennants
- Perrins
- Port Esquivel
- Pusey Hall Pen
- Raymonds
- Rest
- Rhymesbury
- Ritchies
- Rock River
- Rowington Park
- Sandy Bay
- Simpsons
- Smithville
- Soursop Turn
- Spanish Well
- Springfield
- St. Jago
- Suttons
- The Alves
- Tom Kings
- Tweedside
- Wallen
- Whitney
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected temperature variations between day and night in Clarendon for the next two weeks?
Daytime temperatures in Clarendon are expected to range between 24°C to 34°C, while nighttime temperatures might cool down to 24°C to 26°C.
2.What is the expected range of humidity in Clarendon over the next 14 days?
Humidity levels in Clarendon are forecasted to fluctuate between 54% and 87%, with higher humidity on days with rainfall.
3.Is it a good time to visit Clarendon in the next 14 days, weather-wise?
It may not be the ideal time for a visit to Clarendon in the next 14 days due to high temperatures (28°C to 34°C) and rainfall of 0.81mm to 31.83mm.
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Clarendon s' weather
Broken Clouds
It feels like 27°
- Sunrise/Sunset 18:01 PM / 05:50 AM
- Min/Max 26°/27°
- Humidity 87%
- Pressure 1012 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 1.26 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 273.71
- NH3 0.71
- NO 0.07
- NO2 0.47
- O3 35.41
- PM10 1.75
- PM25 0.94
- SO2 0.32
Sunrise / Sunset
18:01 PM
05:50 AM